BartaBangla Report :: Bangladesh is recognized globally as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Recently learned that for the first time in a million years, the concentration of carbon-di-oxide gas in the atmosphere has gone past 400 ppmv – a sign which has grave consequences for the country and its current as well as future generations. The problem cannot be solved at local level and we require an international agreement under the UNFCCC.
The latest round of negotiations towards reaching a globally binding agreement/treaty by 2015 will be held in Bonn, Germany between 3 and 14 June, 2013. Bangladesh must siege this opportunity and raise her voice so that we can set the scene for a globally acceptable legally binding treaty towards reducing the emissions below danger levels and reduce the necessity of adaptation to the minimal level and simultaneously reduce the burden of loss and damage likely to be faced by our population.
Centre for Global Change (CGC), under the aegis of Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL) has organized a Round Table Discussion on “Bangladesh’s Perspectives Towards the Bonn Inter-Sessional of 2013”, to be held in Spectra Convention Centre, Gulshan-1, Dhaka on 22nd May 2013 during 10:30 – 12:30 hrs.
Dr. Md. Asaduzzaman, a senior Member of the Bangladesh Delegation, will be the Chair of the Round Table. The outcome of the Round Table will be duly shared with the Bangladesh Delegation Members, who will be taking part in the Bonn negotiations.